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From the beginning it appears that Tafsir al-Misbah. Piety in the letter of Ath-Thalaq includes many things, including: Piety in matters related to thalaq and ‘iddah, piety after divorce, piety in matters of livelihood or rezeki after divorce, and piety in terms of the creation of heaven and earth. Quraish Shihabs interpretation in his work Tafsir Al-Misbah. The analysis results of this study is known that piety in the letter of Ath-Thalaq according to Muhammad Quraish Shihab is an effort to carry out the commands of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala as long as humans’ capabilities and stay away from His is prohibitions. Tujuh adik lainnya yaitu Nina, Sida Nizar, Abdul Mutalib.
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This study uses documentation as a data collection technique and qualitative maudhu’i meth- od as data analysis. It is free of cost and uses all features. While the secondary data sources are the book of Al-Azhar’s Interpretation by Ham- ka, the book of Fii Zhilalil Qur’an Interpretation by Sayyid Quthb, books and journals that discuss the Science of the Qur’an which is related to the theme of this research discussion. The primary data source is the book of Al-Misbah’s Interpretation by Muhammad Quraish Shihab. This research is a library research by using the maudhu’i (thematic) interpretation method. After understanding the discussion, humans will be able to protect themselves from bad things. KONSEP ISLAM MENURUT PANDANGAN QURAISH SHIHAB DALAM TAFSIR AL-MISHBAH SKRIPSI Diajukan Kepada Fakultas Ushuludin dan Pemikiran Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga sebagai Salah Satu Syarat untuk Memperoleh Gelar Sarjana Teologi Islam (S.Th.I). To know deeply about piety and wisdom contained therein, the research of the concept of piety in the letter of Al-Thalaq was raised, the study of Al-Misbah interpretation. In the letter of Ath-Thalaq, there are several verses that discuss about piety. Whereas piety is a foundation must be held tightly by every human being. Piety is a vocabulary that is very popular among the Indonesian people, but not many of them understand it deeply.